Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boston Sucks

Tonight I was sitting here getting next after next and starting to wonder if I look like a weirdo or something.  Then this dude stopped and we both said hello and introduced ourselves. He was up studying for some anthropology class about the Mayans or something similar.  I expressed my sympathy because I hated anthropology but also expressed to him I more disliked the professor than the actual class.  We both laughed and then asked where he was from and he told me that he's a sophomore at Boston College.  I laughed at that as well and told him that I knew he had to of been from Boston.  Talked sports and my dislike of all Boston teams due to the annoyance of their fans, ha-ha.  Turns out though that he's actually from a small town just North of Albany.  We started talking about a few other things like Syracuse Basketball and how he has a buddy that goes to S.U. but I'm not sure if my browser hiccuped or I punched in a key stroke combination on accident but I backed out of and lost the connection.  Cheers buddy and good luck on the class!
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